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Wheel cleaningmaintenance

2021-05-28 11:22:03

For car maintenance, many car owners first think of the engine and tires, but the wheel hub is the part that is easier to ignore. The quality of the wheel hub is related to the quality of the tire and even the safety of the vehicle. Therefore, even if the wheel hub is relatively inconspicuous, it must be maintained. If unnecessary losses are caused by damage due to improper maintenance, the gain is not worth the loss.

Like tires, wheels are also a very important part of a car. The wheel hub, commonly known as the steel rim, is an important part of the wheel. It not only supports the weight of the entire car, but also bears various forces such as torsion during acceleration, torsion during braking, lateral force during turning, and uneven road surface. The impact and so on.

It can be seen to the naked eye that there are still some stains on the wheels after washing the car, and they can't be picked off. If you ask the auto beauty shop what is going on, they must say: "We have a project to clean the wheels." Unfortunately, this is not free. From the perspective of saving money, I still recommend doing it yourself.

The effect of the wheel cleaner is very good. Next, try a professional wheel cleaner. Twist the front nozzle and spray it evenly on the hub. It can be clearly seen that a lot of stains will flow down the cleaning fluid during the spraying process.

There are many ways we can buy professional wheel cleaners. Some "earth" methods may be useful, but we don't know the possible harms that have not been professionally tested. The wheel cleaning agent has been specially researched and tested, and has little impact on the wheel, so we can use it with confidence. Therefore, when you want to clean the wheel hub, it is recommended not to fiddle with the recipe.

Note: Since the special cleaner is corrosive to a certain extent, you must wear protective gloves when cleaning. Do not clean the wheel when the temperature is too high. Due to thermal expansion and contraction, you should not pour cold water on the wheel to prevent the wheel from losing its luster and affecting its appearance. If the wheel hub is damaged and scratched, it is recommended to refurbish it in time to avoid more severe corrosion of the wheel hub, which will cause tire air leakage.